شہر داؤد
شہر داؤد (City of David) (عبرانی: עיר דוד، Ir David; عربی: مدينة داوود) سلوان [1] کے نواح میں وادی حلوہ (عربی: وادي حلوه) کا اسرائیلی نام ہے۔[2]
حوالہ جات
ترمیم- ↑ The Struggle for Jerusalem's Holy Places, p.81-82
- ↑ رشید خالدی, Palestinian Identity: The Construction of a Modern National Consciousness, Columbia University Press, 1997 p.15:(in the Arab neighbourhood of Silwan)'Israeli settlers ..are attempting to impose exclusive use of the name “City of David”, thereby giving their current claims the patina, prestige, and legitimacy of a connection some 3,000 years old. In this they are aided by various maps, tourist guides, and road signs produced by the Israeli government, the Jerusalem municipality, and the Israeli tourist authorities, which use the archaic name "City of David" wherever possible in place of Silwan '.