یاددہانی: محفوظ کرنے کے بعد تازہ ترین تبدیلیوں کو دیکھنے کے لیے آپ کو اپنے براؤزر کا کیش صاف کرنا ہوگا۔
- فائرفاکس/ سفاری: جب Reload پر کلک کریں تو Shift دبا کر رکھیں، یا Ctrl-F5 یا Ctrl-R دبائیں (Mac پر R- )
- گوگل کروم: Ctrl-Shift-R دبائیں (Mac پر Shift-R-⌘)
- انٹرنیٹ ایکسپلورر: جب Refresh پر کلک کریں تو Ctrl یا Ctrl-F5 دبائیں
- اوپیرا: Tools → Preferences میں جائیں اور کیش صاف کریں
![]() | شاید اس اسکرپٹ کی دستاویزی تفصیلات میڈیاویکی:Gadget-CatRename پر موجود ہیں۔ |
* CatRename
* Ajoute un onglet permettant de renommer une catégorie, en déplaçant les pages
* incluses dans celle-ci. Permet de faire faire l'action à un bot en un clic.
* {{fr:Projet:JavaScript/Script|CatRename}}
/* <nowiki> */
/* globals mw, OO, $ */
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) === 14 ) {
mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.util', function () {
'use strict';
// Site-related parameters
const TAG = 'RenameCategory';
const DAILY_LIMIT = 2500;
//const RBOT_PAGE = 'وپ:دمز';
const DR_TEMPLATE = '{{فوری حذف|وجہ=زمرہ ابھی $3 کی غرض سے [[:زمرہ:$2]] کی جانب منتقل کیا گیا ہے|صارف=$4}}\n\n';
//const RBOT_TEMPLATE = '\n{{درخواست منتقلی زمرہ|قدیم=$1|جدید=$2|وجہ=$3|صارف=$4}}';
// Literal non-breaking space, for situations where HTML entities can't be used
const NBSP = '\xA0';
// Messages
const messages = {
'fr': {
'catrename-title': 'Renommer une catégorie',
'catrename-portlet-title': 'CatRename',
'catrename-action-rename': 'Renommer',
'catrename-action-cancel': 'Annuler',
//'catrename-action-rbot': '… ou faire faire la tâche par un bot',
'catrename-checkbox-movetalk': 'Renommer aussi la page de discussion associée',
'catrename-checkbox-leave-redirect': 'Laisser une redirection vers le nouveau titre',
'catrename-checkbox-post-dr': 'Déposer une demande de suppression de l\'ancienne catégorie',
'catrename-checkbox-watch': 'Suivre les catégories originale et nouvelle',
'catrename-checkbox-watch-members': 'Suivre les pages modifiées',
'catrename-field-title': 'Nouveau titre' + NBSP + ':',
'catrename-field-reason': 'Motif' + NBSP + ':',
'catrename-summary': 'Renommage de la catégorie [[Catégorie:$1]] en [[Catégorie:$2]] : $3',
'catrename-dr-summary': 'Demande de suppression après renommage',
//'catrename-rbot-summary': 'RBOT : Demande de renommage de catégorie',
'catrename-status-checkcategory': 'Vérification de la catégorie cible',
'catrename-status-getmembers': 'Récupération des pages membres de la catégorie',
'catrename-status-waitinglock': 'En attente de la fin de renommage dans d\'autres onglets',
'catrename-status-checklimits': 'Vérification de la limite journalière',
'catrename-status-editmembers': 'Modification de la page $1 sur $2',
'catrename-status-renamecategory': 'Renommage de la catégorie',
'catrename-status-postdr': 'Dépôt de la demande de suppression',
//'catrename-status-postrbot': 'Dépôt de la requête aux bots',
'catrename-error-canceled': 'Le processus de renommage a été annulé.',
'catrename-error-same': 'Le nouveau titre est identique au titre actuel.',
'catrename-error-invalidtitle': 'Le titre de la catégorie demandée est non valide, vide, ou mal formé.',
'catrename-error-noreason': 'Veuillez indiquer un motif pour ce renommage.',
'catrename-error-protected': 'Cette catégorie est protégée, vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à la renommer.',
'catrename-error-categoryexist': 'Il existe déjà une catégorie avec ce nom…',
'catrename-error-limitreached': 'Le renommage de cette catégorie vous ferait faire plus de $1 modifications avec ce script en moins de 24h. Vous pouvez cependant faire une requête aux bots via le bouton en bas à gauche.',
'catrename-error-categorypresent': 'La page contient déjà la nouvelle catégorie.',
'catrename-error-notfound': 'La catégorie n\'a pas été trouvée dans le code de la page, peut-être est-elle incluse via un modèle' + NBSP + '?',
'catrename-error-pageprotected': 'La page est protégée en écriture.',
'catrename-error-articleexists': 'Impossible de déplacer la catégorie, la page de destination «' + NBSP + '$1' + NBSP + '» existe déjà.',
'ur': {
'catrename-title': 'زمرہ منتقل کریں',
'catrename-portlet-title': 'منتقلیِ زمرہ',
'catrename-action-rename': 'منتقل کریں',
'catrename-action-cancel': 'منسوخ کریں',
//'catrename-action-rbot': '۔۔۔ یا خودکار صارف کے سپرد کر دیں',
'catrename-checkbox-movetalk': 'ملحقہ تبادلۂ خیال صفحہ بھی منتقل کریں',
'catrename-checkbox-leave-redirect': 'پیچھے رجوع مکرر بنائیں',
'catrename-checkbox-post-dr': 'پرانے زمرے کو حذف کرنے کی درخواست کریں',
'catrename-checkbox-watch': 'اصل اور نئے زمرے کو زیر نظر کریں',
'catrename-checkbox-watch-members': 'ترمیم شدہ صفحات کو زیر نظر کریں',
'catrename-field-title': 'نیا عنوان' + NBSP + ':',
'catrename-field-reason': 'وجہ' + NBSP + ':',
'catrename-summary': '[[زمرہ:$1]] کو [[زمرہ:$2]] کی جانب منتقل کیا گیا : $3',
'catrename-dr-summary': 'منتقلی کے بعد حذف کی درخواست',
//'catrename-rbot-summary': 'منتقلیِ زمرہ کی درخواست',
'catrename-status-checkcategory': 'ہدف زمرہ کو جانچا جا رہا ہے۔۔۔',
'catrename-status-getmembers': 'زمرہ میں موجود صفحات کو اخذ کیا جا رہا ہے۔۔۔',
'catrename-status-waitinglock': 'دوسرے ٹیب میں منتقلی کی تکمیل کا انتظار کیا جا رہا ہے۔۔۔',
'catrename-status-checklimits': 'یومیہ حد دیکھی جا رہی ہے۔۔۔',
'catrename-status-editmember': 'کل $2 صفحہ میں سے $1 صفحہ میں ترمیم کی جا رہی ہے۔۔۔',
'catrename-status-editmembers': 'کل $2 صفحات میں سے $1 صفحہ میں ترمیم کی جا رہی ہے',
'catrename-status-renamecategory': 'زمرہ منتقل کیا جا رہا ہے۔۔۔',
'catrename-status-postdr': 'حذف کی درخواست دی جا رہی ہے۔۔۔',
//'catrename-status-postrbot': 'منتقلی کا کام خودکار صارف کے ذمہ لگایا جا رہا ہے',
'catrename-error-canceled': 'منتقلی منسوخ ہو گئی۔',
'catrename-error-same': 'نیا عنوان موجودہ عنوان سے مماثل ہے۔',
'catrename-error-invalidtitle': 'درخواست شدہ زمرہ کا عنوان غلط یا خالی ہے۔',
'catrename-error-noreason': 'براہ کرم منتقلی کی وجہ درج کریں۔',
'catrename-error-protected': 'یہ زمرہ محفوظ ہے۔ آپ اسے منتقل نہیں کر سکتے۔',
'catrename-error-categoryexist': 'اس عنوان سے دوسرا زمرہ موجود ہے۔',
'catrename-error-limitreached': 'چوبیس گھنٹوں میں $1 سے زائد صفحات منتقل کرنے کی اجازت نہیں ہے۔',
'catrename-error-categorypresent': 'اس صفحہ میں نیا زمرہ پہلے سے موجود ہے۔',
'catrename-error-notfound': 'صفحہ میں یہ زمرہ نہیں مل سکا، شاید یہ کسی سانچے سے ظاہر ہو رہا ہے۔',
'catrename-error-pageprotected': 'یہ صفحہ محفوظ ہے۔',
'catrename-error-articleexists': 'زمرہ منتقل نہیں ہو سکتا۔ ہدف صفحہ «' + NBSP + '$1' + NBSP + '» پہلے سے موجود ہے۔',
mw.messages.set( messages.ur );
var lang = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' );
if ( lang !== 'ur' && lang in messages ) {
mw.messages.set( messages[ lang ] );
var isBootstrapped = false;
var instanceWindowManager;
var instanceCatRename;
$( function ( $ ) {
var moveId = document.getElementById('ca-move');
if (!moveId) {
var portlet = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-cactions', '#', 'منتقل کریں', 'cat-move', 'اس زمرہ کو منتقل کریں', null, '#ca-protect' );
$( portlet ).on( 'click', function ( e ) {
mw.loader.using( [ 'oojs-ui', 'mediawiki.storage', 'mediawiki.api' ], function () {
} );
} );
} );
/* Instanciate CatRename and add it to MediaWiki's UI. */
function bootstrapOnce() {
if (isBootstrapped) {
isBootstrapped = true;
* Main class of the gadget CatRename, which is displayed as a ProcessDialog
* @class
* @extends OO.ui.ProcessDialog
* @constructor
var CatRename = function () {
// Initialize config
var config = { size: 'medium' };
// Parent constructor
CatRename.parent.call( this, config );
// Properties
this.api = new mw.Api( { timeout: 7000 } );
// Graphical properties
this.configContent = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( { padded: true, expanded: false } );
this.statusContent = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( { padded: true, expanded: false } );
/* Setup */
OO.inheritClass( CatRename, OO.ui.ProcessDialog );
/* Static Properties */
CatRename.static.name = 'catrename';
CatRename.static.title = mw.msg( 'catrename-title' );
CatRename.static.actions = [
{ action: 'rename', label: mw.msg( 'catrename-action-rename' ), flags: [ 'primary', 'progressive' ] },
{ action: 'cancel', label: mw.msg( 'catrename-action-cancel' ), flags: [ 'safe', 'back' ] },
//{ action: 'rbot', label: mw.msg( 'catrename-action-rbot' ), flags: 'other' }
/* ProcessDialog-related Methods */
* Build the interface displayed inside the ProcessDialog box.
CatRename.prototype.initialize = function () {
CatRename.parent.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
this.newNameInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { value: mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' ) } );
this.reasonInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( {
maxLength: 500,
name: 'wpSummary'
} );
this.optionCheckboxes = new OO.ui.CheckboxMultiselectInputWidget( {
value: [ 'movetalk', 'post-dr' ],
options: [
{ data: 'movetalk', label: mw.msg( 'catrename-checkbox-movetalk' ) },
( this.userInGroup( 'sysop' ) || this.userInGroup( 'bot' ) ?
{ data: 'leave-redirect', label: mw.msg( 'catrename-checkbox-leave-redirect' ) } :
{ data: 'post-dr', label: mw.msg( 'catrename-checkbox-post-dr' ) }
{ data: 'watch', label: mw.msg( 'catrename-checkbox-watch' ) },
{ data: 'watch-members', label: mw.msg( 'catrename-checkbox-watch-members' ) }
} );
this.layout = new OO.ui.Widget( {
content: [
new OO.ui.FieldLayout(
this.newNameInput, {
align: 'top',
label: mw.msg( 'catrename-field-title' ),
new OO.ui.FieldLayout(
this.reasonInput, {
align: 'top',
label: mw.msg( 'catrename-field-reason' ),
new OO.ui.FieldLayout(
this.optionCheckboxes, {}
} );
this.configContent.$element.append( this.layout.$element );
this.$body.append( this.configContent.$element );
this.statusIndicator = $( '<h3>' )
.css( 'text-align', 'center' )
.css( 'margin-top', '1em' )
.css( 'margin-bottom', '2em' );
this.pagesInError = $( '<ul>' );
this.statusContent.$element.append( this.statusIndicator ).append( this.pagesInError );
this.setSize( this.size );
* Get a process for taking action.
* This method is called within the ProcessDialog when the user clicks
* on an action button (the one defined in CatRename.static.actions).
* Here is defined in which order each method of the category moving
* process is called.
* @param {string} action Name of the action button clicked.
* @return {OO.ui.Process} Action process.
CatRename.prototype.getActionProcess = function ( action ) {
var process = new OO.ui.Process(),
options = this.optionCheckboxes.getValue();
if ( action === 'cancel' || action === '' ) { // empty string when closing with Escape key
return process.next( this.unlockMultitabs, this )
.next( this.closeDialog, this );
else if ( action === 'rename' ) {
process.next( this.prepare, this )
.next( this.checkCategory, this )
.next( this.getMembers, this )
.next( this.lockMultitabs, this )
.next( this.checkLimits, this )
.next( this.editMembers, this )
.next( this.renameCategory, this );
/*else if ( action === 'rbot' ) {
process.next( this.prepare, this )
.next( this.checkCategory, this )
.next( this.getMembers, this )
.next( this.postRBot, this )
.next( this.renameCategory, this );
if ( options.indexOf( 'post-dr' ) > -1 ) {
process.next( this.postDR, this );
process.next( this.unlockMultitabs, this )
.next( this.success, this )
.next( this.closeDialog, this );
return process;
* Close the window.
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved when window is closed
CatRename.prototype.closeDialog = function () {
var dialog = this;
var lifecycle = dialog.close();
return lifecycle.closed;
* Get the height of the window body.
* Used by the ProcessDialog to set an accurate height to the dialog.
* @return {number} Height in px the dialog should be.
CatRename.prototype.getBodyHeight = function () {
return this.configContent.$element.outerHeight( true );
/* Process step methods */
* Fetch and validate user's input to make it easily accessible later.
* @return {undefined|OO.ui.Error} Error message for the ProcessDialog
* to display, if any.
CatRename.prototype.prepare = function () {
var dialog = this;
this.oldTitle = mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' );
this.newTitle = this.newNameInput.getValue().trim().replace(/^(زمرہ|[Cc]ategory):/, '');
this.reason = this.reasonInput.getValue().trim();
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgCaseSensitiveNamespaces' ).indexOf( 14 ) === -1 ) {
this.newTitle = this.newTitle.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + this.newTitle.slice( 1 );
if ( this.newTitle === this.oldTitle ) {
return new OO.ui.Error( mw.msg( 'catrename-error-same' ) );
if ( mw.Title.makeTitle( 14, this.newTitle ) === null ) {
return new OO.ui.Error( mw.msg( 'catrename-error-invalidtitle' ) );
if ( this.reason === '' ) {
return new OO.ui.Error( mw.msg( 'catrename-error-noreason' ) );
this.oldPageName = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[ 14 ] + ':' + this.oldTitle;
this.newPageName = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[ 14 ] + ':' + this.newTitle;
// Disable actions button when a process is runing
this.getActions().get( { actions: 'rename' } )[ 0 ].setDisabled( true );
//this.getActions().get( { actions: 'rbot' } )[ 0 ].setDisabled( true );
// Except for the cancel button, which behaviour change to cancel the ongoing process
this.getActions().get( { actions: 'cancel' } )[ 0 ].on( 'click', function () {
dialog.errorHandler( mw.msg( 'catrename-error-canceled' ) );
} );
* Check if it is technically possible to move the category.
* Two main checks are performed:
* * Has the user the right to move the category according to the
* protection level?
* * Is the target title free?
* @return {JQuery.Deferred} Promise telling to continue the process if
* successful or stopping the process if rejected.
CatRename.prototype.checkCategory = function () {
var dialog = this;
this.deferred = $.Deferred();
this.showStatus( mw.msg( 'catrename-status-checkcategory' ) );
var restrictionMove = mw.config.get( 'wgRestrictionMove' );
for ( var i = 0; i < restrictionMove.length; i++ ) {
if ( ! this.userInGroup( restrictionMove[ i ] ) ) {
this.errorHandler( mw.msg( 'catrename-error-protected' ) );
return this.deferred;
this.api.get( {
'action': 'query',
'format': 'json',
'formatversion': 2,
'prop': 'categoryinfo',
'titles': this.newPageName
} ).then( function ( data ) {
if ( data.query.pages[ 0 ].missing !== true ) {
//TODO: Allow user to move pages without renaming the cat
dialog.errorHandler( mw.msg( 'catrename-error-categoryexist' ) );
} ).fail( function ( error ) {
dialog.errorHandler( error );
} );
return this.deferred;
* Get all pages, files and sub-categories in the source category.
* This method populates the attribute 'members'.
* @return {JQuery.Deferred} Promise telling to continue the process if
* successful or stopping the process if rejected.
CatRename.prototype.getMembers = function () {
var dialog = this;
this.deferred = $.Deferred();
this.members = [];
this.showStatus( mw.msg( 'catrename-status-getmembers' ) );
function doGetMembers( paramsContinue ) {
var params = {
'action': 'query',
'format': 'json',
'list': 'categorymembers',
'formatversion': '2',
'cmtitle': mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
'cmprop': 'title',
'cmlimit': 'max',
if ( paramsContinue ) {
Object.assign( params, paramsContinue );
dialog.api.get( params ).then( function ( data ) {
var categoryMembers = data.query.categorymembers;
for ( var i = 0; i < categoryMembers.length; i++ ) {
dialog.members.push( categoryMembers[ i ].title );
if ( data[ 'continue' ] ) {
doGetMembers( data[ 'continue' ] );
else {
} ).fail( function ( error ) {
dialog.errorHandler( error );
} );
return this.deferred;
* Lock the process while other instances of CatRename are running.
* This method acts a bit like the POSIX sem_wait.
* @return {JQuery.Deferred} Promise telling to continue the process
* when it is its turn to execute.
CatRename.prototype.lockMultitabs = function () {
var dialog = this;
this.deferred = $.Deferred();
if ( this.userInGroup( 'bot' ) || this.userInGroup( 'sysop' ) ) {
this.lockID = 'catrename-' + this.randomString( 16 );
this.nextTab = null;
this.showStatus( mw.msg( 'catrename-status-waitinglock' ) );
//TODO: check lock timestamp
if ( mw.storage.get( 'catrename-lock' ) === null ) {
mw.storage.set( 'catrename-lock', this.lockID );
else {
$( window ).on( 'storage.catrename.catrename-waiting', function ( event ) {
if ( event.originalEvent.key === 'catrename-lock' && event.originalEvent.newValue === dialog.lockID ) {
$( window ).off( 'storage.catrename-waiting' );
} );
mw.storage.set( 'catrename-addtab', this.lockID );
$( window ).on( 'storage.catrename', function ( event ) {
// if this tab has no successor and a new one appears, add it as our successor
if ( dialog.nextTab === null && event.originalEvent.key === 'catrename-addtab' && event.originalEvent.newValue !== null ) {
dialog.nextTab = event.originalEvent.newValue;
mw.storage.set( dialog.lockID, dialog.nextTab );
// if our successor decides to leave, remove it and take its successor
else if ( dialog.nextTab !== null && event.originalEvent.key === 'catrename-removetab' && event.originalEvent.newValue === dialog.nextTab ) {
dialog.nextTab = mw.storage.get( dialog.nextTab );
if ( dialog.nextTab !== null ) {
mw.storage.set( dialog.lockID, dialog.nextTab );
else {
mw.storage.remove( dialog.lockID );
} );
window.addEventListener( 'unload', function (e) {
} );
return this.deferred;
* Check if the daily limit of edits using this script would be reached
* if the move is performed.
* In fact, we are not looking realy on a daily basis, but a 24h rolling
* period.
* @return {JQuery.Deferred} Promise telling to continue the process
* when it is its turn to execute.
CatRename.prototype.checkLimits = function () {
var dialog = this;
this.deferred = $.Deferred();
var yesterday = new Date();
yesterday.setDate( yesterday.getDate() - 1 );
if ( this.userInGroup( 'bot' ) ) {
this.noSpammingDelay = 0;
this.noSpammingDelay = 50;
if ( this.members.length > 50 ) {
this.noSpammingDelay = 20;
else if ( this.members.length > 10 ) {
this.noSpammingDelay = 10;
this.showStatus( mw.msg( 'catrename-status-checklimits' ) );
this.api.get( {
'action': 'query',
'format': 'json',
'list': 'usercontribs',
'formatversion': '2',
'uclimit': 'max', // only query DAILY_LIMIT results ?
'ucend': yesterday.toISOString(),
'ucuser': mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ),
'ucprop': 'timestamp',
'uctag': TAG
} ).then( function ( data ) {
if ( data.query.usercontribs.length + dialog.members.length >= DAILY_LIMIT ) {
dialog.errorHandler( mw.msg( 'catrename-error-limitreached', DAILY_LIMIT ), false );
else {
} ).fail( function ( error ) {
dialog.errorHandler( error );
} );
return this.deferred;
* Try to move all the pages inside the 'members' attribute from the old
* to the new category name by fetching and editing their wikicode.
* @return {JQuery.Deferred} Promise telling to continue the process
* when it is its turn to execute.
CatRename.prototype.editMembers = function () {
var dialog = this,
totalPages = this.members.length,
oldCatRegex = this.buildRegex( this.oldTitle ),
newCatRegex = this.buildRegex( this.newTitle ),
summary = mw.msg( 'catrename-summary', this.oldTitle, this.newTitle, this.reason ),
commonPayload = {
summary: summary,
minor: true,
tags: TAG
this.deferred = $.Deferred();
if ( this.userInGroup( 'bot' ) ) {
commonPayload[ 'bot' ] = 1;
if ( this.optionCheckboxes.getValue().indexOf( 'watch-members' ) > -1 ) {
commonPayload[ 'watchlist' ] = 'watch';
function doEdit() {
var member = dialog.members.pop();
if ( dialog.deferred.state() !== 'pending' ) {
if ( member === undefined ) {
//TODO: a progress-bar ?
//dialog.showStatus( mw.msg( 'catrename-status-editmembers', totalPages - dialog.members.length, totalPages ) );
//Localized for Urdu Wikipedia
let statusMessage;
if (totalPages === 1) {
statusMessage = mw.msg('catrename-status-editmember', totalPages - dialog.members.length + 'ویں', totalPages)
.replace(/(?<!\d)1ویں(?!\d)/, 'پہلے');
} else {
statusMessage = mw.msg('catrename-status-editmembers', totalPages - dialog.members.length + 'ویں', totalPages)
.replace(/(?<!\d)1ویں(?!\d)/, 'پہلے')
.replace(/(?<!\d)2ویں(?!\d)/, 'دوسرے')
.replace(/(?<!\d)3ویں(?!\d)/, 'تیسرے')
.replace(/(?<!\d)4ویں(?!\d)/, 'چوتھے')
.replace(/(?<!\d)6ویں(?!\d)/, 'چھٹے');
dialog.api.edit( member, function ( revision ) {
var content = revision.content,
newCatInPageList = content.match( newCatRegex );
if ( newCatInPageList !== null ) {
dialog.logFailedPages( member, mw.msg( 'catrename-error-categorypresent' ) );
else {
content = content.replace(
'$1[[' + dialog.newPageName + '$6]]'
return Object.assign( { text: content }, commonPayload );
} )
.then( function ( result ) {
if ( result.nochange === true ) {
dialog.logFailedPages( member, mw.msg( 'catrename-error-notfound' ) );
setTimeout( doEdit, dialog.noSpammingDelay );
} )
.fail( function ( code, data ) {
if ( code === 'protectedpage' ) {
dialog.logFailedPages( member, mw.msg( 'catrename-error-pageprotected' ) );
else {
dialog.errorHandler( code );
} );
return this.deferred;
* Move the category itself.
* @return {JQuery.Deferred} Promise telling to continue the process
* when it is its turn to execute.
CatRename.prototype.renameCategory = function () {
var dialog = this;
this.deferred = $.Deferred();
this.showStatus( mw.msg( 'catrename-status-renamecategory' ) );
var payload = {
'action': 'move',
'format': 'json',
'from': mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
'to': this.newPageName,
'reason': this.reason,
'tags': TAG,
'formatversion': '2'
var options = this.optionCheckboxes.getValue();
if ( options.indexOf( 'movetalk' ) > -1 ) {
payload[ 'movetalk' ] = 1;
if ( options.indexOf( 'watch' ) > -1 ) {
payload[ 'watchlist' ] = 'watch';
if ( this.userInGroup( 'sysop' ) || this.userInGroup( 'bot' ) ) {
if ( options.indexOf( 'leave-redirect' ) === -1 ) {
payload[ 'noredirect' ] = 1;
this.api.postWithToken( 'csrf', payload ).then( function ( data ) {
} ).fail( function ( error ) {
if ( error === 'articleexists' ) {
dialog.errorHandler( mw.msg( 'catrename-error-articleexists', dialog.newPageName ) );
else {
dialog.errorHandler( error );
} );
return this.deferred;
* Post a deletion request.
* @return {JQuery.Deferred} Promise telling to continue the process
* when it is its turn to execute.
CatRename.prototype.postDR = function () {
var dialog = this;
this.deferred = $.Deferred();
this.showStatus( mw.msg( 'catrename-status-postdr' ) );
var content = DR_TEMPLATE
.replace( /\$1/g, this.oldTitle )
.replace( /\$2/g, this.newTitle )
.replace( /\$3/g, this.reason )
.replace( /\$4/g, mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) );
this.api.postWithToken( 'csrf', {
'action': 'edit',
'format': 'json',
'title': this.oldPageName,
'summary': mw.msg( 'catrename-dr-summary' ),
'tags': TAG,
'nocreate': 1,
'prependtext': content,
'formatversion': '2'
} ).then( function ( data ) {
} ).fail( function ( error ) {
dialog.errorHandler( error );
} );
return this.deferred;
* Post a move request for the bots.
* @return {JQuery.Deferred} Promise telling to continue the process
* when it is its turn to execute.
CatRename.prototype.postRBot = function () {
var dialog = this;
this.deferred = $.Deferred();
this.showStatus( mw.msg( 'catrename-status-postrbot' ) );
var content = RBOT_TEMPLATE
.replace( /\$1/g, this.oldTitle )
.replace( /\$2/g, this.newTitle )
.replace( /\$3/g, this.reason )
.replace( /\$4/g, mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) );
this.api.postWithToken( 'csrf', {
'action': 'edit',
'format': 'json',
'title': RBOT_PAGE,
'summary': mw.msg( 'catrename-rbot-summary' ),
'tags': TAG,
'nocreate': 1,
'appendtext': content,
'formatversion': '2'
} ).then( function ( data ) {
} ).fail( function ( error ) {
dialog.errorHandler( error );
} );
return this.deferred;
* Release the lock to allow other instances of CatRename to execute.
* This method acts a bit like the POSIX sem_post.
CatRename.prototype.unlockMultitabs = function () {
if ( this.lockID !== undefined ) {
$( window ).off( 'storage.catrename' );
mw.storage.set( 'catrename-removetab', this.lockID ); //Inform other tabs that we're closing
mw.storage.remove( this.lockID ); //Clean up our mess from the localStorage
// wake up the next tab, or reset if there is none
if ( mw.storage.get( 'catrename-lock' ) === this.lockID ) {
if ( this.nextTab !== null ) {
mw.storage.set( 'catrename-lock', this.nextTab );
else {
mw.storage.remove( 'catrename-lock' );
delete this.lockID;
* Method called when all has gone well (yeah !).
CatRename.prototype.success = function () {
var dialog = this;
setTimeout( function () {
window.location = mw.util.getUrl( dialog.newPageName );
}, 1000 );
/* Helper Methods */
* Get information about the current user's groups.
* @param {string} groupName Name of the group to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether the current user is in the given group.
CatRename.prototype.userInGroup = function ( groupName ) {
return ( mw.config.get( 'wgUserGroups' ).indexOf( groupName ) > -1 );
* Display a status message inside the main content of the dialog.
* @return {string} Status message to display.
CatRename.prototype.showStatus = function ( status ) {
this.statusIndicator.text( status );
this.$body.append( this.statusContent.$element );
* Raise an error using OO.ui.Error, and reset all what should be.
* @param {string} error Error message to display to the user.
* @param {boolean} recoverable Is the error recoverable (default to true).
* @param {boolean} warning Should we raise a warning instead an error (default to false).
CatRename.prototype.errorHandler = function ( error, recoverable, warning ) {
var errorMessage = new OO.ui.Error( error, { recoverable: recoverable || true, warning: warning || false } );
this.$body.append( this.configContent.$element );
this.getActions().get( { actions: 'rename' } )[ 0 ].setDisabled( false );
//this.getActions().get( { actions: 'rbot' } )[ 0 ].setDisabled( false );
this.deferred.reject( errorMessage );
* Add a page to the error log.
* @param {string} pageName Name (including namespace) of the page.
* @param {string} reason Explaination of the error.
CatRename.prototype.logFailedPages = function ( pageName, reason ) {
var li = $( '<li>' ).text( ' - ' + reason ),
a = $( '<a>' ).attr( 'href', mw.util.getUrl( pageName ) ).text( pageName );
this.pagesInError.append( li.prepend( a ) );
* Build a regex to extract the link to a given category from wikicode.
* @param {string} category Name (without namespace) of the category.
* @return {RegExp} Regex object to extract the given category.
CatRename.prototype.buildRegex = function ( category ) {
var formattedNamespace = mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[ 14 ],
isFirstLetterCaseSensitive = ( mw.config.get( 'wgCaseSensitiveNamespaces' ).indexOf( 14 ) > -1 ),
namespace = '(?:[' + formattedNamespace.charAt( 0 ) + formattedNamespace.charAt( 0 ).toLowerCase() + ']' + formattedNamespace.slice( 1 ) + '|[Cc]ategory)';
category = category.replace( /([\\^$*+?.|{}[\]()])/g, '\\$1' );
if ( ! isFirstLetterCaseSensitive ) {
var firstLetter = category.charAt(0);
if ( firstLetter.toUpperCase() !== firstLetter.toLowerCase() ) {
category = '[' + firstLetter.toUpperCase() + firstLetter.toLowerCase() + ']'
+ category.slice(1);
return new RegExp('(\\s*)\\[\\[( |_)*' + namespace + '( |_)*:( |_)*' + category + '( |_)*(\\|[^\\]]*)?\\]\\]', 'g');
* Generate a random string.
* @param {number} length Length of the string to generate.
* @return {string} The generated string.
CatRename.prototype.randomString = function ( length ) {
var result = '';
var chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
for ( var i = 0; i < length; ++i ) {
result += chars.charAt( Math.floor( Math.random() * chars.length ) );
return result;
instanceWindowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager();
$( 'body' ).append( instanceWindowManager.$element );
instanceCatRename = new CatRename();
instanceWindowManager.addWindows( [ instanceCatRename ] );
} );
/* </nowiki> */